Tag Archives: Angelic Pretty

Strawberry Hersheys;

“If just one of [those people] experiences life as a crazy adventure–and I mean that he, or she, experiences this every single day… Then he or she is a joker in a pack of cards.” – Jostein Gaarder

I’ve meant to write for some time, but have been swarmed with some affairs. Currently obsessed with Sontag, and bought sets of Barthes/Sontag/Freud on impulse. Sontag’s Against Interpretation is one of the most brilliant works I’ve read for some time, and I have been emotionally involved in her essays and her Barthes/Kafka comparisons ever since I embarked on the first chapter. I’ve scribbled so many thoughts on the sides of pages, but know that I will plainly forget all these  thoughts (except for those thoughts which end up in broken stuttered messages to the globe-trotting best friend), which simply (delightfully!) gives me an excuse to start all over again.

Day out in Universal Studios, decked out in egl, with an old friend whom I’ve not seen since fish and chips in London! Its a pity E could not join us on this visit … (or their respective other halves)…

I was convinced by the end of the trip however, that C must know half of Singapore because we must have bumped into more than 20 people who had a word to share with C…(who could recite the scripts in rides and knew every single thing that was going to happen yet enjoyed it haha)

Nevertheless C, thanks for humouring my amusement-park like childish ambitions and finishing the lyrics of every musical song I sung, for your awesome company and all the Betty Boop presents! I think we properly re-lived our childhood for the day.

Some of the shots I took for the day (more pending editing):

The place was split into several ‘themes’ – Madagascar/Jungle theme, Far Far Away (castle theme), Hollywood, Egypt, Sci-Fi, New York…and no prizes for guessing which was my favourite

C seems to feel the same way.

Other news – I got a proposal to live in the treehouse below for the rest of my life…

I don’t even know what character he is supposed to be, ha ha!

I rather like the old-fashioned swinging 70s burger joint, but where’s the music and waitresses on skates?

But there were a couple of vintage cars outside… I rather like the black saloon cars (drive in cars?)

C hates peanut butter, but who could resist a shot next to cookie guy.

Rapunzel, let down your hair~!

C’s a daredevil of sorts and he was a tad upset that his favourite rollercoaster was closed…(he says his girlfriend is even more courageous than him and would want to go on umpteen times 0.0 Korean girls’ courage. I, on the other hand, am going nowhere near *that* (shudders).

Overall had so much fun! ~~ Would love to go again next time… : )

D/L Outfit breakdown:
Dress by Angelic Pretty / Dreamy Dollhouse Mint ; Headband by AP /Rose Toilette Mint; Roses by Shirley Temple; Wristcuffs by AP; Socks by AP/ Dreamy Dollhouse Mint; Boots by Rose Chocolat; Cupcake  Rings by the very talented Totalmentediva (will write an appreciative entry for her sweet commission soon!)

4 generations of dhs at 1 table!~

I met up with some friends on Sunday night, and we decided to visit Eat Cheez (name?) which serves a variety of cheese-themed main courses and desserts. It was also a rather unique affair, as I met up with my old friend Michelle again whom I have not met for close to five years!

Here was my outfit for the day…AP Cosmetics…~ I wore lesser accessories than usual as it was near the evening : ) I also did not wear it with a blouse this time…~ as we were already dying from the sweltering heat! 0.0

Yes….we are all from 4 different generations of the same high school…can you guess the exact order of seniority? I’ve been *told* however to keep it a secret ; ).

Three of us turned up in rori, and here are some pictures to share : ).

The sweet and lovely Karmen in this amazing bustle skirt she tailored from a European girl, Dusty and I were gushing on its quality and its perfect fit…and I love her adorable bear bag! Karmen does classic with a lovely aristocratic edge I really like, each time I meet her. : ) [ps: there is a sudden change of camera filters as the light was too glaring, please forgive]

I am particularly in love with her red rose hair accessory : ) I think its fab!

Dusty was in a pretty BTSSB sailor combi~ who wouldn’t love navy and white!~

Alcie also came over for a peek…they had just came from kite flying!~ Its a pity I missed getting a picture of Alcie’s lovely Strawberry Cream combi…

My good friend D claims there is an Australian song which goes…”I want I want I want my bare backed ribs…”


Which dear Karmen seemed to enjoy!~ (expressive hand is probably Dusty’s)

Michelle introduced here!~~~ : D Our fourth dhs girl : )

Later that night, we trooped off to Michelle’s house for a game of munchkins and boogle…I love boogle! I haven’t really played it for long periods but it is so fun trying it again. And munchkin is really a hilarious game with weird game weapons like lemming juice…(here’s a secret shot of Dusty in serious concentration…(is she trying to steal Karmen’s treasure??)

Thats all for now!~ Thanks for looking : )


Jsk: AP
Necklace: Ribbonholic
Headdress: Black Parasol
Boots: Rose Chocolat
Bags: Swimmer/Offbrand
Socks: AP

Soap bubble love!~~

Must finish my economics chapters today. I’ve been so worried about some work issues this week, and going out for lunches with friends – how despairing for my cfa books! Leaving for the national library today in a bid to study (the home has more than a hundred distracting things, including the kitten who wants to snuggle and play).

I won the soap bubble skirt!~~ I was so surprised no one else bid for it…I think I have a liking for things which are sometimes not very popular. It has been on my wishlist for several months.  I loved it the moment I saw the stock pics…

At a risk of sounding like Danny again, I fell in love with this little girl : )

Aw….I love the wispy quality of the picture.


Hamsters after my own heart!~

I want to learn the pink panther dance!~~ Haha!! XD Rainie makes me fall in love with red again. I love the way the wardrobe mistress was so attentive in this show, tiny little details were all in various shades of red – pink, mauve, light pink etc. after the Pink Panther subline.

Ok…umm off to study.